Saffron Carthew

Saffron Carthew’s work delves into the concept that women are “ManMade” through the male gaze. Ever since she was young Carthew always had things she didn’t like about herself, but as she grew up it has made her think why didn’t she like these things? And why was she so influenced and moulded by other people’s opinions and desires… instead she has learnt to love the features about herself, and so should you. She wants her work to change society. Her work explores the current issues of today with the social constructs of beauty and female oppression due to patriarchy. Every day we are bombarded with the idea of who’s worthy and who’s not. The term beautiful no longer comes from within, but instead is dependent on how much lip filler or fake tan you have. The expectation to maintain a somewhat “Barbie doll” look is proving to be detrimental to women’s health and have harmful consequences to their self-esteem and even development growing up. Carthew has a strong passion for this topic as she has been a victim of media manipulation and the ridiculous pressures women are expected to adhere to.