Owain Sparnon
Through paint, collage, sculpture and digital media, Owain creates work in response to the things he comes across on a daily basis. These can include photographs, landscapes, reflective lighting, sounds and shapes and forms of everyday objects. Owain is intrigued by the idea of layering, unravelling and decontextualizing an image, and the boundary between painting and sculpture. The pieces reveal the ideas, thoughts, secrets and experiences of his subconscious through colour, material, texture and mark making.
Trwy baent, collage, cerflunio a chyfryngau digidol, mae Owain yn creu gwaith mewn ymateb i bethau mae’n dod ar eu traws yn ddyddiol. Gall y rhain gynnwys ffotograffau, tirluniau, golau adlewyrchol, sain a siapiau a ffurfiau gwrthrychau bob dydd. Mae Owain yn ymddiddori yn y syniad o haenu, datgelu a newid cyd-destun delweddau, a’r ffin rhwng paentiad a cherflunwaith. Mae’r darnau’n datgelu syniadau, meddyliau, cyfrinachau a phrofiadau ei isymwybod trwy liw, deunydd, gwead a marciau.